Group Introduction
2010 |
- July
- MobiusKukil Co.,Ltd. established
- Sep
- Registration as 1st supplier of Hyundai, kIA and Samsung Electronics, and delivery out first batch goods
2012 |
- August
- China branch established
2013 |
- Feb
- (Mobius) trademark registration
- Sep
- China brand expanded
2014 |
- Oct
- It became a Tier 1 supplier of LG SERVEONE and successfully supplied the company's customized bulk goods in the same month
- Dec
- Became a LG Electronics Tier 1 supplier and succeeded supply customized bulk goods to them in the same month
2016 |
- June
- Became the first class supplier of NAVER LINE FRIENDS and succeeded supply the company's customized bulk goods in the same month
- August
- Change our company name
2017 |
- May
- MOBIUS GROUP LIMITED HK branch established
- Sep
- Shenzhen Mobius Trading Co.,Ltd. established
2018 |
- April
- Got ISO9001/ISO14001 certificate
- May
- MobiusKukil Co.,Ltd. Research Institute established
2019 |
- May
- Venture business certification